
Learner-Centered Leadership for Meaningful Change

Lead meaningful change with a strengths-based and human-centered design approach
Single Course: $100

Type: Online

Duration: 10 hours

  • Self-paced
  • Option for continuing education credits with UCSD: $150

Course Overview

Participants will define who they are as learner-centered leaders, explore ways to build relationships with their team by building relational trust and leverage a human-centered design process beginning with empathy to create a proposal for change.

Course Modules

Modules will include videos, lessons, reflection activities, checks for understanding, additional resources and a performance task to apply what you learn.

Module 1:Introduction
Understand why learner-centered leadership is needed now and how to become a learner-centered leader
Module 2:Leading with Strengths
Create a Leadership Profile and lead with a strengths-based approach that recognizes our identities affect how we show up in our work
Module 3:Building Relationships
Develop strategies for building relational trust and developing psychological safety
Module 4:Leading Meaningful Change
Create a proposal for change leveraging a human-centered design process
Module 5:Reflection
Reflect on your learning and your proposal for change

Course Enrollment

  • 1 year of access to the course in the Thinkific platform
  • Access to an online community of learner-centered educators.
  • Access to team members available to answer questions within 48 hours.
  • Certificate of completion upon finishing course

Explore Learner-Centered Strategies

Our learner-centered strategies feature actionable steps educators can take to create personalized, competency-based, authentic, inclusive and equitable learning environments. Check out our personalized learning strategies for amplifying learner voice below. Or explore our full library of strategies.