Mindsets Reflection Tool
As we work to create learner-centered environments, examining our own water—our culture, assumptions, and beliefs—is key to cultivating the mindset shifts needed to change the water we’re swimming in. We can do this by visiting other schools implementing learner-centered practices or stepping out of our field and doing analogous experiences. The next time you…
Community Asset Map Tool
The Community Asset Map is a tool that helps educators identify and leverage local resources, skills, and networks to enhance their teaching practice. By mapping out community assets – from businesses to cultural organizations – educators can create more meaningful learning experiences that connect classroom content with the real-world. Through a step-by-step process, this…
Learner-Centered Scorecard Guide
Our Learner-Centered Collaborative Scorecard Guide introduces a powerful framework for measuring and communicating educational progress beyond traditional metrics. This comprehensive guide provides a 4-step process for creating, implementing, and leveraging Scorecards to drive improvement, engage stakeholders, and showcase your school or district’s unique success story in a learner-centered paradigm. Explore this tool to…
Enabling Conditions & Culture Self-Study
The Enabling Conditions & Culture Self-Study tool is a comprehensive resource designed to help educational systems assess and improve their foundational elements for success. This self-paced assessment covers six crucial areas: Coherence, Communication, Aligned Systems, Growth & Development, Partnerships, and Culture. By reflecting on specific indicators within each area, you’ll gain valuable insights into…
Learning Experiences BINGO card
Access actionable steps for creating personalized, competency-based, authentic, inclusive and equitable learning experiences
Facilitate Empathy Interviews and Focus Groups Tool
Our Empathy Interview and Focus Group Tool provides a comprehensive guide for conducting both one-on-one interviews and focus groups. It includes tips for building rapport, asking effective questions, and ensuring equity of voice. By using this resource, you’ll be able to uncover bright spots, key challenges, and surprising insights that can inform your…
End of Year Reflection Tool
As the school year comes to a close, it’s crucial to take a moment to reflect on the experiences, growth, and challenges faced by educators and learners alike. At Learner-Centered Collaborative, we understand the importance of this reflection process, which is why we’ve created the End of Year Reflection Tool. This tool is…
Competency-Based Reporting Playbook
Welcome to the Learner-Centered Collaborative’s Playbook on Competency-Based Assessment, Grading and Reporting. In many traditional grading systems, learners are ranked, sorted and seen as a number in a gradebook. But there’s a competency-based world in which learners can be valued for who they are and how they are growing as individuals. It’s time…
Ladder and Knot Outcomes
The first step in designing learner-centered experiences, assessment systems, and structures that are competency-based is to define the desired learning outcomes—what we want students to know and be able to do. There are two types of learning outcomes and, ideally, we are tending to both. We often think of them as Ladder and Knot…
Scorecard Template
To achieve our desired outcomes in education, it is important to have clear success metrics, monitor progress in real-time, and implement a dashboard system that focuses on organizational goals. A scorecard is a helpful instrument to accomplish all this. Complete the information below to access the tool:
Goal-Setting and Reflection Template
Goal-setting and reflecting is a part of a learner-centered practice and it can and should take place with our youngest of learners all the way through to our most senior administrators. This tool is intended to support educators and leaders to set meaningful and relevant goals that will support a growth mindset and continuous…
When to Leverage AI
AI is here. With its arrival also comes a renewed tension often felt around technology: striking the balance of efficiency and valuable human interaction. This tool guides education practitioners and leaders to evaluate which tasks can best harness the power of AI, which are best left to be done by humans, and everything in…
Feedback Protocol
Here’s the scene: You provided really thoughtful comments on a completed assignment and your feedback was never even read! Say goodbye to spending hours on “dead-end” feedback. Reclaim the power of feedback with a flip in practice and timing that makes feedback an actionable part of the learning process that is aligned to learning…
Equity of Voice Audit
Research shows that those doing most of the “talking” in the classroom are also doing most of the learning. Are all learner voices, verbal and non-verbal, being heard in your classroom? Not sure? Use this tool to audit equity of voice and identify areas of opportunity for further personalizing the learning experience for each…
10 Questions to Ask Students
Listening to learners is essential when leading change. This tool will help you spark conversations with your students to understand what’s working and where innovation may best serve your school. Empathy – listening to learners – is the first step in designing solutions that scale. Choose the format for connecting with you learners…
Catalyst Collection
Catalyst is a monthly newsletter from Devin Vodicka featuring learner-centered insights and resources for educators, leadership teams, and change-makers. In each edition of Catalyst, Devin shares insights, learnings, and resources about the learner-centered education movement. Browse this collection to read past editions of Catalyst and explore what you missed! Join the conversation! Get the…
Learning Walk “Look Fors”
This tool will help you spark conversations, create alignment, and inspire “aha” moments during your Learning Walk.
Authentic Learning Matrix
The Authentic Learning Matrix is designed to help teams identify next steps, spark strategic conversations, and offer strategies for advancing authentic learning in your context.