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Centering Learners By Design

We are educators, administrators, and change-makers committed to supporting educators, schools, districts, and states realize their vision for learner-centered education.

Why learner-centered education?

In a learner-centered paradigm young people are prepared to embrace challenges, navigate complex situations, leverage technology to solve problems, create efficiencies, and learn how to learn as the world and workplace evolve.

How do we get there?

✔️ Define whole-learner outcomes that take into account skills, habits, knowledge to thrive in a modern world.

✔️ Design meaningful learning experiences to achieve your desired outcomes.

✔️ Create enabling conditions and systems that support the desired outcomes and learning experiences.

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150+ Partners  •  30 States  •  2 million students  •  150,000 educators

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2024-25 Learner-Centered Connections applications are open. Apply now!     

“Learner-Centered Collaborative has created a learning environment for site leaders and their teams to plan with intent, focus keenly on how improvement efforts align and support instructional areas of focus, and find common points of interest with other sites to ensure quality collaboration.” 

– Rachel Gil, Instructional Coach, Santa Ana Unified School District

“Having a clear and aligned Framework for the Future has been so positive for our district—and the true payoff is walking through classes and seeing our learning model in action with students and teachers as we reimagine learning.” 

– Kim Kuklensi, Principal, Mesa Union School District

“I used to think I had to design all of the instruction, but if it’s learner centered, there’s no reason why students cannot be part of that process as well.” 

– Teacher, Middlesboro Independent Schools, Kentucky

“Learner-Centered Collaborative has been instrumental in the transformative journey that we are on in Santa Ana Unified School District….We’ve taken a multi-pronged approach to the work, with Learner-Centered Collaborative serving as thought partners for district leadership, supporting and facilitating principals meetings as well as instructional learning walks at school sites across the district.” 

– Dr. Lorraine Perez, Deputy Superintendent Educational Services, Santa Ana Unified School District

“Materials provided were very engaging and relevant, and there were plenty of opportunities given to engage in meaningful ways, both alone and in small groups, to brainstorm and explore how they can be used in our own classroom environments.” 

– Teacher, Colorado Springs School District, Colorado

“I am really enjoying our sessions! You do a nice job of breaking things up so it moves quickly enough to keep everyone’s attention. You seem to be genuinely excited about the work, which is infectious.” 

– District participant, Learner-Centered Leadership Pathway, Laguna Beach Unified School District

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From whole-learner outcomes to the learning experiences that support them to the enabling conditions for success.

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What is collective efficacy?

César Morales says we can think about collective efficacy as having three core elements: collective capability, collective purpose, and collective resilience. 

Collective capability is the confidence team members have in one another that organizational goals can be accomplished. 

Collective purpose is the clarity in understanding the organization’s direction. 

Collective resilience is the confidence colleagues have in the organization’s ability to stay the course through setbacks and unexpected challenges. 

Each element plays an instrumental role when redesigning school structures and the learning experiences offered in an education ecosystem.

To learn more about how collective efficacy (or the lack thereof) effects transformative change in education, read César's full post on our blog!
Imagine bringing administrators, teachers, and parents together to collectively determine what outcomes will make 24/25 a successful school year. That's exactly what happened last week with Northern Cass School District. @KatieMartinedu was with this amazing group and talks all about it in this week's Bright Spots.

🔗 http://bit.ly/BS158
Competency-based reporting structures not only empower learners, but also have been shown to support families in better understanding their learners’ strengths and growth areas. 

One parent at @EmbarkEducation reflected on how receiving their child’s first “report card” helped them see how unique teaching, learning, and assessment is at Embark: 

"When we received our daughter's first ‘report card,’ it really hit us how unique and powerful Embark's competencies genuinely are! Reading the educator's feedback, observations, and reflections on how the competencies show up in our daughter made us realize how much they KNOW our daughter!

"My partner and I had to read and re-read the competencies, and it was a lightbulb moment for how learning is different, individualized, and growth-oriented at Embark.  After that point, I switched to asking about the competencies instead of asking our daughter the typical "How was your day?" (garnering the typical adolescent response). 

""Which competency did you shine in today? Which one are you trying to grow? How do you see others (friends, educators, family, community members) demonstrating Embark competencies?" So they became a language that far exceeded our expectations and a new way for all of us to think about learning!"

As this parent reflected, the structure of assessment, grading, and feedback in a competency-based paradigm supports conversations about not only what learners are learning, but how they are doing and facilitates meaningful conversations between families, learners, and educators. 

If we shift our language from grades and ranking and sorting as success metrics to questions about learning and growth, it communicates the process is valued—not just the score.

For more stories and insights like these, download our Competency-Based Reporting playbook!
🔊 Sound on ▶️ Press play 📝 Then, catch up on all the insights Dr. Lori Gonzalez dished out during our webinar on Personalizing Professional Development 🔗 http://bit.ly/WEBPPD
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