Reaffirming Our Commitment to Racial Equity and Inclusion

Almost one year ago we posted a statement on racial inequity.  Today, we feel it is important to reaffirm our commitment. Racism of any kind is in direct conflict with our values as an organization and as educators. While our original statement focused on our support for the Black community, we want to be clear that violence and ​harassment directed at Asians, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders is similarly unacceptable. We are committed to the pursuit of a more just and inclusive society where all people are free from prejudice, discrimination, harassment, and violence.


We have focused our efforts on learning and developing our capacity to be changemakers.  We have engaged with outside experts to help minimize our own blind spots.  We will continue to work on ourselves and our organization so that we can confidently be part of the solution to resolve injustices.


Learner-centered education begins with an appreciation for the uniqueness of each and every learner.  We must listen to our learners and co-construct educational improvements that are community-driven and contextualized.  We look forward to collaborating with others who share our commitments.


We want to make sure it is clear that we condemn all forms of racism. Advancing equity, inclusion, and belonging for all people is foundational to learner-centered education and is critical to what we want to achieve as leaders and as an organization.


– Devin and Katie


Devin Vodicka, EdD

Chief Executive Officer


Katie Martin, EdD

Chief Impact Officer


It’s Your Journey

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