Book Study

Learner-Centered Leadership Book Study

Explore Learner-Centered Leadership with author, Dr. Devin Vodicka
Single Course: $50

Type: Online

Duration: 10 hours, Self-Paced

Course Overview

Read Learner-Centered Leadership: A Blueprint for Transformational Change in Learning Communities and participate in reflection, discussion and activities guided through video from the author, Dr. Devin Vodicka, to reimagine school.

Course Modules

Modules will include videos, lessons, reflection activities, checks for understanding, additional resources and a performance task to apply what you learn.

Course Enrollment

  • 1 year of access to the course in the Thinkific platform
  • Access to an online community of learner-centered educators.
  • Access to team members available to answer questions within 48 hours.
  • Certificate of completion upon finishing course