Bring Your Learner-Centered Vision to Life

We help district leaders create fully operational learner-centered districts without exhausting the energy and spirit of their staff, so they can maximize the strengths, skills, and aspirations of every young person they serve.




Vision Casting

Uncover the hopes your learners, staff, and community have for their schools and district.

Portrait of a Learner

Align your practices to a shared community vision of what holistic success looks like for every learner.

Strategic Planning

Create an action plan for learner-centered implementation that unifies your district.

Capacity Building

Strengthen your leadership’s and staff’s ability to implement the strategic plan with fidelity.

Communities of Practice

Establish spaces for educators to come together and share lessons learned in their daily practice.

Design Teams

Co-create the practices and policies that will accelerate your learner-centered vision.

Executive Coaching

Enroll in 1:1 mentorship from a learner-centered leader who has been where you are looking to go.


Maintain board and community confidence that your district is on a successful path.

Leadership Development

Ensure leadership is aligned on and mirroring the vision and values you want to instill in all staff.

Connect With Our Team

The LCC Difference

Your district doesn’t (and shouldn’t have to) fit in a box. At Learner-Centered Collaborative, we will customize your services based on exactly where you’re at today and where you and your community want to go tomorrow.

We engage with learners to discover their aspirations and ensure they can see themselves in the district’s learner profile.

We are with you throughout the entire process—from vision creation to district-wide implementation and sustainability.

Seat time and standardized tests have had their moment. We will work with you to define and measure what success looks like for your learners.We co-design professional learning experiences that are relevant to your community’s needs and model a learner-centered approach.We create the time and space for all voices and experiences to be heard and integrated into each phase of our work together.Throughout our journey together, we will reclaim the joy we’ve always wanted to cultivate within our learning communities.Ready to make a difference?

Who We Collaborate With

There is no finish line on your learner-centered journey. There is only the next opportunity to take your community to an even brighter future. See where you might be headed by exploring our partner stories.×199.png×199.png×199.png×199.png

Let’s Collaborate

We look forward to collaborating and supporting your work.