Design a Flexible Learning Space

NOTE: This strategy is part of the self-paced Promote Anytime/Anywhere Learning

Flexible learning environments are spaces that honor the fact that learning happens both in and outside of the traditional classroom. They also enable opportunities for collaboration and student agency when deciding where and how to learn. A flexible learning environment may be a classroom space set up with desks in a variety of arrangements and flexible or comfortable furniture that allows for choice and variety in seating. However, flexible learning spaces are also about going outside of the box and thinking about learning happening in the school garden or down the street at the park. These spaces can and should be designed with learners so they have ownership over the space and can contribute their voice to what is needed for them to succeed in the learning environment.

Bright Spots

Gain inspiration from authentic examples of this strategy shared by teachers who have used them with their learners.

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Flexible Seating

Elementary classroom with flexible seating at Vista Academy

Design Your Classroom

Teacher Sara Ellason Ballard invited her students to design their own classroom learning spaces.

Weekly Learning Reflection

Source: Modern Classrooms



Inspired? Use the resources below to bring this learner-centered strategy to your learning community.

📖 Reflection protocols
📖 How to guide students to reflect during a project
📖 Design Real-World Learning Experiences Course
📖 Reflection in a self-paced learning environment
📖 40 reflection questions

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Associated Learner-Centered Competencies:

Create Flexible Learning Environments:
I develop diverse physical and digital learning environments to honor both in and out-of-school learning