Take Learners into the Real World

NOTE: This strategy is part of the self-paced Promote Anytime/Anywhere Learning

When we prioritize engaging learners in authentic learning experiences and tasks, the entire world becomes our oyster for learning, exploration and reflection! Learning outside the four walls of the classroom can be as simple as stepping outside onto the playground to take measurements for learners’ proposed redesign plans, or going on an ethnographic walk through the neighborhood to learn about the history of people, businesses, and organizations, or going on a learning expedition (aka field trip) to a local museum or community center to deepen learning within a lesson, unit, or project.

Bright Spots

Gain inspiration from authentic examples of this strategy shared by teachers who have used them with their learners.

Creating your own Bright Spots? Let’s get them out into the world! Share yours here.

A Walk in the Park

Students at AltSchool go for a walk in the forest in a park in San Francisco as part of their learning about ecosystems.

Little Libraries

Students at the CUBE school in Denver, CO noticed that their local neighborhood didn’t have a library in walking distance, so they designed and built “little library” boxes out of wood to place in the local neighborhood.

Write Letters to the Community

Students in Encinitas Union School District wrote letters to local community members to address issues in the United Nations Global Goals. As part of this project, they also made action plans to address their priority issue and hosted school and community events related to their topics.

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Associated Learner-Centered Competencies:

Connect with the Community: I connect learners with the local and global community through learning experiences that happen both in and outside of the classroom