Webinar Recording: Competency-Based Assessment: From Measuring Seat Time to Demonstrating Learning
In this webinar, Bostonia Global’s Nerel Winter and School Foundry’s Jeff Petty share innovative ways to assess student learning through real-world demonstrations and exhibitions. We delve into the importance of performance assessments, where students not only showcase their knowledge but also their ability to apply it in practical, meaningful ways.
Questions explored include:
- How do you define competency-based reporting and why does it matter to you?
- Within a competency-based system, how do learners show what they know and can do?
- How are students assessed and are you addressing the challenge of fluffy vs “rigorous” learning?
- What has the impact been on students and educators?
Watch now if you want to discover best practices, tools, and strategies to implement these competency-based assessments in your classroom, ensuring students not only learn but thrive.