Family Partnerships: A Key Strategy for Supporting Whole-Learner Outcomes
The Mindset That Makes Family Partnerships Possible If we view school as a one-dimensional institution with a narrow purpose—primarily focused on delivering content and measuring student proficiency aligned to narrow metrics—then the idea of partnering with families may seem like an unnecessary distraction. But if we believe learning happens within a larger ecosystem, where…
3 Leadership Building Blocks for Meaningful Change in Education
Schools have operated like factories for too long, with top-down control and rigid structures. Real change happens when leaders embrace relationships, shared purpose, and deep collaboration, creating schools that function as dynamic, interconnected communities. When educators work together, trust each other, and share responsibility, small actions can lead to big, lasting improvements. If we…
6 School Design Elements That Will Bring Your Learner-Centered Vision to Life
The school you walked into today does not have to be the school you walk into tomorrow. If we allow ourselves to believe this idea, so much becomes possible. We can begin imagining places of learning that adapt, evolve, and respond to the advancements of the modern world and the unique needs and aspirations…
The Listening Leader: Striking the Balance Between Receptive and Expressive Communication
There is power in sharing your transformational story as your school or district’s learner-centered journey unfolds, and I will always emphasize the importance of communication in fostering a learner-centered culture. However, it’s common to solely equate communication with expression—the outward sharing of messages and information. This limited view can create unexpected resistance as we…
Beyond the Classroom: Cultivating Local Partnerships to Generate Real-World Learning Opportunities
In our pursuit to create learner-centered educational ecosystems, out-of-school partnerships play a crucial role. Collaborations across various sectors not only break down barriers to access and opportunity but also infuse real-world learning into the everyday learning model. By fostering diverse partnerships, schools and districts can significantly enrich the learning landscape, offering students relevant and…
Homegrown Talent: The Strategic Importance of Internal Growth Pipelines in Education
In today’s rapidly evolving educational landscape, district leaders face the dual challenge of retaining top talent and ensuring effective leadership succession. Developing robust internal growth pipelines is not just a strategy for retention but a crucial aspect of fostering a culture of continuous professional development and career advancement. A well-structured internal pipeline equips educators…
Unraveling Mixed Messages: The Impact of Misaligned Systems in Education
Coherence across state, district, school, and classroom levels is critical for delivering clear and consistent messages to our learners. However, systemic misalignments often lead to mixed messages that can undermine our educational objectives and the experiences of our students. The Complexity of Educational Systems In simple terms, a system consists of two or more…
A quote graphic with Devin Vodicka's headshot. The graphic reads: "educational experiences are most meaningful when tailored to individual needs, interests, and aspirations within a real-world context where meaningful challenges and opportunities abound."
3 Key Elements for Cultivating a Learner-Centered Culture
In our pursuit of transforming education and centering learners by design, we must get the culture right. But, where do we begin? In our work with learning communities across the nation, the Learner-Centered Collaborative team has found three key elements that must be addressed, no matter the context, for a learner-centered culture to thrive:…
4 Practical Tips for Creating Coherence Within Your District
In any educational setting, clarity of vision, a well-understood mission, and a core set of operational values can fundamentally transform how initiatives are executed and objectives are met. I have come to understand this deeply through my experiences as an educational leader. The privilege of working with school and district leaders from a diversity…