Great Teachers Make Innovative Solutions Possible

Guest Author:
Dr. Cory Steiner, Superintendent of Northern Cass School District (ND),
Learner-Centered Collaborative Advisory Council member
Northern Cass is a mentor school district in the 2023-24 Learner-Centered Connections program

Several years ago Northern Cass School District in North Dakota acknowledged that despite traditional markers indicating things were “good” across the district they wanted “great”—a personalized, competency-based student learning experience that tended to whole learner-outcomes. 

Under the leadership of Superintendent Cory Steiner, PhD, the district reinvented what school could be by taking a learner-centered approach that eliminated percentage grades, honored student interests, and put the focus of learning on the district’s Portrait of a Learner. In addition to improving the experience for students, the transformation has also created the conditions for teachers to be the great teachers they set out to be.  

Read Dr. Cory Steiner’s story here: Great Teachers Make Innovative Solutions Possible


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