Inspiration for Co-Founding Learner-Centered Collaborative

Learner-Centered inspiration

It has been a lifelong journey to arrive at the launch of the Learner-Centered Collaborative, our new organization that partners with educators to define whole-learner outcomes, design meaningful learning experiences, and create the enabling conditions for their unique journey to inclusive and equitable learner-centered education.

There are many influences on our journey and we are immensely grateful for the support, encouragement, and mentorship from so many who share our commitment to improved learning opportunities for all. This is also a moment to reflect on what has inspired us on the journey and we would like to express our gratitude to those who have had such a positive impact on our lives.

Both of us grew up in homes and families with innovative educators, including both of our mothers who were trailblazing teachers. This inspired us to become teachers who were fortunate to have a variety of leadership experiences ranging from instructional coaching, supporting new teachers, and serving as school and district administrators. Our colleagues along the way have been a constant source of inspiration, encouragement, mentoring, and support.

Learn more about Devin and Katie’s stories and backgrounds.

During our time together at AltSchool and Altitude Learning, we have learned to appreciate the important role of technology as an accelerant for meaningful change. We are incredibly grateful to have been able to immerse ourselves in a startup environment with talented and capable colleagues who were thinking deeply about developing and scaling new models of teaching and learning. The ways in which our learning platform has been co-developed with students and teachers serves as a compelling example of the power of human-centered design.

Over the past few years we have been impressed by the shared commitment to learner-centered education that exists across our partnership network of more than 125 school systems across the country. There are so many innovators who are working diligently to create new models of teaching and learning for the benefit of students, communities, and society. We are humbled by the ongoing collaboration and we look forward to the opportunity for this network to continue to grow over time.

Finally, we are tremendously fortunate to be surrounded by an amazing team at Learner-Centered Collaborative. We have passionate, committed educators who have devoted themselves to promoting agency, authentic learning, competency-based education, and inclusive and diverse communities.

When we think about our own strengths and interests, we can see the profound impact that these influences have had on our identities. We have developed a love for learning, an appreciation for the importance of relationships and community, and a recognition of the value of strategic thinking.

Perhaps most importantly, our families, mentors, and colleagues have modeled a belief that each of us can make a difference and that we have an important responsibility to do what we can to make this world a better place. We saw the hard work, the passion, and the commitment that it takes to be of service to one another, to our communities, and to society as a whole.

It is our privilege to honor the legacy from those who have influenced us and to continue the journey with Learner-Centered Collaborative imagining what is possible by envisioning education ecosystems that empower all learners to know who they are, thrive in community, and actively engage in the world as their best selves.

We are grateful for this opportunity and particularly thankful to our families, colleagues, and collaborators for their profound influence on our journey.

Devin & Katie

To connect with Devin and Katie email

This is part two of a three-part blog series introducing the education community to Learner-Centered Collaborative. Read the whole story, as shared by our co-founders.

Part 1: Introducing Learner-Centered Collaborative

Part 2: Inspiration for Co-Founding Learner-Centered Collaborative

Part 3: What’s Possible in Learner-Centered Education

It’s Your Journey

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