Webinar Recording: 3 Learner-Centered Professional Learning Practices to Take Back to Your District

What’s happening behind the scenes of successful learner-centered schools and districts? Intentionally designed, collaborative efforts that prioritize people, community input, and a community’s unique culture and goals.

School and district leaders will get an inside view of three unique, impactful practices our team leads with schools and districts putting learners at the center. These practices will help you set the foundation for a clear and aligned vision and support engagement and implementation throughout your learning community. Get an insider view into:

  • Learning Walks
  • Student Forums
  • Coaching

In this 40-minute session we dive into each of these services and explore:

  • What they are
  • Why they matter
  • What benefits and outcomes to expect
  • Examples from school and district partners
  • Tools to support the work

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