Discover the power of competency-based reporting in our latest webinar, featuring insights from the upcoming Competency-Based Reporting Playbook. Our expert panel shared their experiences and strategies for successfully implementing competency-based reporting, covering topics such as rethinking high school transcripts, credits, and assessment practices focused on growth.

Key takeaways:

  1. Practical insights into successful competency-based reporting examples
  2. Strategies for shifting away from traditional assessment practices
  3. Valuable lessons learned and emerging trends in competency-based reporting

By watching this webinar recording, you’ll gain valuable knowledge and inspiration to create a more meaningful educational experience that empowers learners. Sign up now to receive early access to the Competency-Based Reporting Playbook before its official release in late June.

Watch now and take the first step towards embracing competency-based approaches in your educational setting.

Witness Mineola’s innovative learning approach firsthand! Join our 2024-25 Connections cohort on a Spring trip to New York for an immersive experience. Apply now:

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