Texas Learning Exchange Launches New Resources to Help Education Leaders Drive Success During Uncertain Times

Guides and curated OER library provide real-time support for hybrid and distance learning

Originally published: Educate Texas, November 16, 2020

Dallas, Texas​: The ​Texas Learning Exchange​ (TxLx), an initiative of Educate Texas in partnership with Getting Smart and Learner-Centered Collaborative (formerly Altitude Learning), has released three new resources created for education leaders and teachers across Texas. The resources include:

  • TxLx School Instructional Supports Guide​ – provides educators and education leaders resources for improving their practice, increasing engagement and improving professional fulfillment during the increased stress of the moment.
  • TxLx Edtech Leadership Guide​ ​-​ ​provides resources and guidance for education leaders to make thoughtful, effective changes to their instructional technology in order to practice effective edtech leadership during an open-ended season of change.
  • The TxLx Open Educational Resources Library ​- a tool for educators and leaders seeking curated open education materials that are licensed to permit and encourage adoption, improvement and retention. The library was curated with guidance from a steering committee​ that helped with developing and vetting the resources against predetermined criteria ensuring high quality and value for both learners and leaders.

“We know that district personnel are working harder than ever to ensure a safe and productive school year. Through TxLx, we’ve created tailored resources for Texas leaders and educators that we believe are powerful whether they’re in a hybrid or virtual model. Each resource is created with equity and students at the center, and we’ll continue to adjust and adapt based on feedback from the field,” said Chris Coxon, Managing Director for Programs, Educate Texas.

While a wide range of obstacles have emerged including access to technology, bandwidth and connectivity, there are also significant challenges to be addressed with teaching and learning efforts with family support, mental health, and other critical services. To address these concerns, the TxLx project curated and will continue to share these resources, solutions and best-practice models with districts to ensure equity for all and that students succeed despite unprecedented times ahead.

“Texas Rural Education Association supports and collaborates with school districts in order to promote positive public education efforts. We are appreciative of these services that benefit and advocate for rural schools,” said Bill Tarleton, Executive Director, Texas Rural Education Association.

To help guide the project, TxLx has convened a diverse ​steering committee​ of district leaders and practitioners to leverage expertise and experience across Texas. Members include large and small districts, as well as urban and rural communities.

“We know that great things happen in Texas public schools, every single day; even in a pandemic! We are thankful for resources like this that help public schools prepare for whatever the future holds,” said Jennifer Storm, Executive Director, Friends of Texas Public Schools.

For more on the Texas Learning Exchange and to access all of the associated resources visit TxLx.org​.

About Texas Learning Exchange

The Texas Learning Exchange project collaborates with Texas educational leaders to develop innovative pre-K-12 learning resources, solutions and models focused on equity, access and overall enhancement of teaching and learning. Operating under the assumption that the 2020-21 school year may need to alternate between school-based and remote instruction, the TxLx project team is working alongside a diverse Steering Committee to develop and implement a strategy to elevate and share resources and guides for districts to implement for local needs and supports.

About Educate Texas

Educate Texas is a statewide leader in identifying innovative and research-based initiatives to improve educational outcomes for African American, Latino and economically disadvantaged students. Leveraging a 16-year public-private partnership with the Texas Education Agency, theTexas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) and the Texas Workforce Commission(TWC), Educate Texas has launched and scaled programs, policies and partnerships that empower students to realize their dreams and fuel a thriving Texas. Educate Texas is an initiative of the Communities Foundation of Texas. To learn more, visit ​EdTx.org​.

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