3 Leadership Building Blocks for Meaningful Change in Education
Schools have operated like factories for too long, with top-down control and rigid structures. Real change happens when leaders embrace relationships, shared purpose, and deep collaboration, creating schools that function as dynamic, interconnected communities. When educators work together, trust each other, and share responsibility, small actions can lead to big, lasting improvements. If we…
Distributed Leadership in Schools: Students as Ambassadors
Written by Dr. Leighangela Brady, Superintendent, National School District. Dr. Brady is also a member of the Learner-Centered Collaborative Advisory Council. Distributed leadership offers a way to harness the collective strengths of all members of an educational ecosystem, including school staff, parents, community partners, and most importantly, students. While adults often take center stage…
The Listening Leader: Striking the Balance Between Receptive and Expressive Communication
There is power in sharing your transformational story as your school or district’s learner-centered journey unfolds, and I will always emphasize the importance of communication in fostering a learner-centered culture. However, it’s common to solely equate communication with expression—the outward sharing of messages and information. This limited view can create unexpected resistance as we…