Bright Spots Collection
Compilation of learner-centered Bright Spots from classrooms, schools, and districts curated by Dr. Katie Martin.
Chapter 1: Evolving Education
Katie Martin’s second book, Evolving Education, offers a deep dive into how educators can harness new technologies, learning sciences, and pedagogy that center learners and learning.
Bright Spots Newsletter
Bright Spots from Katie Martin- Your weekly source of learner-centered inspiration.
When Learning Is Authentic
Authentic learning experiences can feel at odds with school systems and structures, but they don’t have to. Katie Martin shares how schools are pushing the boundaries to successfully orient toward relevant, meaningful, real-world learning experiences.
Why Curiosity is Foundational to Learning
If we want our children to develop new skills, knowledge, and mindsets, it is foundational to spark curiosity. Otherwise, even through our best efforts to teach them, they may not actually learn.
What Does Your Ideal Learning Environment Look Like?
Leaders commonly use strategic plans or vision statements that describe the desire to develop life-long learners, global citizens, critical thinkers, and the like, yet a misalignment often occurs between the vision, policies, and practices. The tension between what we say we want our students to know and be able to do and what we…
To Engage Students, Focus on Connection Over Content
It’s important to understand how student’s emotions impact their attention, engagement, and what they learn. Scheduling time with each student to connect, learn more about their circumstances, their goals, and ideas, created a different dynamic that built empathy and allowed for more personalization and meaningful connection. Students also recommend, reaching out via text, calling…