Exit Tickets

NOTE: This strategy is part of the self-paced Use Assessment as a Tool for Learning Course

Formative assessment is meant to provide information during the learning process. Exit tickets are a way to know if learners “caught what you taught” by simply asking them a question or two before they leave the class or end a lesson. Ensure that the formative assessments are given with time for you and your learners to do something with the information that the assessments give, such as make edits or learn something new before the summative assessment.

Bright Spots

Gain inspiration from authentic examples of this strategy shared by teachers who have used them with their learners.

Creating your own Bright Spots? Let’s get them out into the world! Share yours here.

Station Exit Tickets

2nd graders at Crabapple Crossing Elementary in Milton, GA complete a 2-question exit ticket for each station they visit in their science lab as they explore lunar phases.

Mini Lesson Exit Tickets

Students in Mesa Union School District complete an exit ticket at the end of the mini-lesson to formatively assess their understanding and inform the next steps.

Habit Tracker/Learning Log

Photo credit: https://twitter.com/mr_rablin/status/1651331081638133760?s=43&t=UBwQ9nOSGQ8vs6OU3ObsFw

Tyler Rabin’s high school ELA students in Sunnyside School District in Washington state reflect on their whole-learner habits this daily exit ticket. This could be adapted to prompt reflection on any Learner Profile/Portrait of a Graduate outcome.

Analog Tweets

3rd graders in Mr. Miller’s class summarize their learning in an analog tweet. Source link: ​​https://twitter.com/MrEricMiller/status/903721683726602241 handle: @MrEricMiller


Inspired? Use the resources below to bring this learner-centered strategy to your learning community.

📖 Gaining understanding of what your students know 
🧰 Twitter thread of Exit Ticket ideas
📺 See how a physics teacher uses exit tickets

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Assess formatively: I frequently use a variety of formative assessment methods, including self-assessment, to monitor progress and guide educators’ and learners’ next steps in the learning process.