Host Exhibitions of Learning

NOTE: This strategy is part of the self-paced Design Performance-Based Assessments

Exhibitions of Learning, also called Celebrations of Learning or Demonstrations of Learning, are events where students share their learning and any products with their community. These events could take the form of a formal presentation (e.g. play), an individual exhibition (science fair), or a gallery walk of student tables (showcase).  Exhibitions of learning provide authentic audiences for students with a public deadline which leads to higher quality of work. This gives students motivation to work towards something that will be seen. It is also an opportunity for the greater community including families to be part of the learning process.

Bright Spots

Gain inspiration from authentic examples of this strategy shared by teachers who have used them with their learners.

Creating your own Bright Spots? Let’s get them out into the world! Share yours here.

County-Wide Showcase

First graders in Logan County, KY celebrate their ability to learn a new skill – how to blow a bubble with gum – and document the process in writing. They created a poster and t-shirts as visual aids in their presentation at a county-wide showcase, to which all school families were invited.

Community Exhibition

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Students at High Tech High showcase their project-based learning products in a community exhibition of learning that includes the entire local community.

Museum-Style Exhibits

Students at a San Francisco upper elementary and middle school take their family members around a museum style exhibit to display their learning about Columbia.


Inspired? Use the resources below to bring this learner-centered strategy to your learning community.

🖥 High Tech High Exhibition Course
📖 The power of showcasing process and product
📺  Exhibition of Learning in action Exhibition of Learning in action
🖥Exhibition Toolkit

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Enable authentic demonstrations of learning: I provide learners with opportunities to create public products and share their learning with an authentic public audience.