In a Learner-Centered Community, We Are All Communicators
Creating a learner-centered community requires clear, transparent communication that puts students at the center. Through transparency, feedback loops, and storytelling, we can amplify student voice and build shared vision. Through Muhlenberg’s digital spaces, Mentor’s Guiding Coalition meetings, and Hampton’s multimedia storytelling, we see how intentional communication creates environments where everyone—learners, educators, administrators, and families—contributes…
The Listening Leader: Striking the Balance Between Receptive and Expressive Communication
There is power in sharing your transformational story as your school or district’s learner-centered journey unfolds, and I will always emphasize the importance of communication in fostering a learner-centered culture. However, it’s common to solely equate communication with expression—the outward sharing of messages and information. This limited view can create unexpected resistance as we…
Big Moves
Student-Led Advisory Councils or Boards
Asking students their opinions about decisions that affect them in their school community is a great place to start listening to learners. However, taking it a step further puts students at the decision-making table. Inviting students to participate in school or district-wide decisions by being on the board, a part of a student government…
Episode 34: Families and Caregivers Empowering Teachers with Sandy Cima
By loading this video, you agree to the privacy policy of Youtube.Always load Youtube videos on this site.Load VideoListen on SpotifyListen on Apple PodcastsWatch on YouTubeEpisode Summary: In this episode, Sandy Cima, Director of People and Business Operations at Learner-Centered Collaborative, offers her unique perspective as both a parent and a professional. Sandy discusses…
12 Ways to Breathe Life into Your Portrait of a Learner
As the world evolves, the skills needed to thrive must go beyond narrow standards. Portraits of a Learner (also known as Portraits of a Graduate or Learner Profiles) are gaining popularity as they can help to expand the collective idea of success and elevate the essential competencies, along with foundational knowledge and content, for…