Provide goal setting frameworks and tools
Provide goal-setting frameworks and tools NOTE: This strategy is part of the self-paced Develop Learner Agency Course Goal-setting is an important life skill and leads to better learning outcomes when done right. Providing tools and frameworks, such as SMART Goals and WOOP Goals, to learners to scaffold their goal-setting and reflecting process has proven…
Create Learner Jobs
Create Learner Jobs NOTE: This strategy is part of the self-paced Develop Learner Agency Course Learners identify classroom leadership roles, creating a sense of accountability for their classroom community. Learners can take on jobs like classroom photographer, greeter (for guests), birthday celebrator, historian, etc. There are so many ways that students can help! Learner…
Explore Identity with Learners
Explore Identities with Learners NOTE: This strategy is part of the self-paced Cultivate a Sense of Belonging Course Exploring and sharing about our identity helps us become more aware of our own backgrounds and how they influence how we show up in the world. It also helps us get to know those in community…
Support Learner Self-Assessment
Support Learner Self-Assessment NOTE: This strategy is part of the self-paced Use Assessment as a Tool for Learning Course Self-assessment is empowering learners to consider where they are in their own learning by intentionally creating transparency of the learning process and creating a safe space to make mistakes. Self-assessment is often supported by a…
Data Trackers
Use Data Trackers NOTE: This strategy is part of the self-paced Use Assessment as a Tool for Learning Course When learners track their own progress, assessment for learning (formative assessment) quickly becomes assessment as learning. Learners figure out where they are in their learning and how they learn best, which is powerful. Ideally, learners track their proficiency…
Move On When Ready
Move On When Ready NOTE: This strategy is part of the self-paced Use Assessment as a Tool for Learning Course Learners are empowered to progress through the learning experience based on their demonstration of the desired skills and knowledge. This can be as small and contained as learners working through the writing process at…
Host Daily Whole-Class Meetings
Host Daily Whole-Class Meetings This strategy is part of the self-paced Nurture a Meaningful Learning Community Course Whole-class meetings, often referred to as morning meetings in elementary school, is a dedicated time for the whole class to come together and discuss a variety of topics that are not strictly academic. These can be morning…
Provide non-verbal options for participation
Provide Non-Verbal Options for Participation NOTE: This strategy is part of the self-paced Amplify Learner Voice Course Not all learners are prepared to participate by speaking out loud. Technology can be used to provide polls or virtual chat spaces, such as polleverywhere, mentimeter, and padlet. If you want a low-tech way for students to…
Create Playlists for Learners
Create Playlists for Learners NOTE: This strategy is part of the self-paced Customize the Learning Experience Course A learning playlist is a sequence of learning experiences and resources designed for students to work through at their own pace in order to achieve the desired learning objectives. Playlists are inherently flexible; learners can work on…
Choice Board Example
Provide Choice Boards
Provide Choice Boards NOTE: This strategy is part of the self-paced Customize the Learning Experience Course Choice boards can take a variety of forms but they are essentially a list of options of learning activities for learners to select from. They can provide choices in what, how, with whom, where or when students learn.…
Create Learner Portraits
Create Learner Portraits NOTE: This strategy is part of the self-paced Customize the Learning Experience Course Learners take stock of who they are – their strengths, interests, goals, & needs – and reflect on how, when, and where they learn best. They create a visual to represent themselves. A learner portrait can help learners…
Passion Projects
Passion Projects NOTE: This strategy is part of the self-paced Customize the Learning Experience Course Empowering learners to develop the knowledge and skills of your course by exploring their interests is a powerful approach. It can increase student engagement and motivation, it can help students see the relevance and real-world application of what they…
Use tech tools to personalize instruction
Use Tech Tools to Personalize Learning NOTE: This strategy is part of the self-paced Customize the Learning Experience Course Provide personalized instruction that meets each student where they are and provides them voice and choice. When tech tools are leveraged to provide learning materials for students to work through at their own pace, the…
Use Tech Tools to Nurture Inclusion
Use Tech Tools to Nurture Inclusion NOTE: This strategy is part of the self-paced Customize the Learning Experience Course Listen to students and include their voice in the classroom through more than just verbal discussions. This can include tools such as text-to-speech or speech-to-text software, interactive whiteboards, and online tools that allow students to…
Use Tech Tools to Provide Just-In-Time Assessment Feedback
Use Tech Tools to Provide Just-In-Time Assessment Feedback Quickly gather assessment data to use to personalize learning and provide students just in time feedback. Bright Spots Gain inspiration from authentic examples of this strategy shared by teachers who have used them with their learners. Creating your own Bright Spots? Let’s get them out into…
Support Learners in Understanding Themselves
Support Learners in Understanding Themselves NOTE: This strategy is part of the self-paced Customize the Learning Experience In order for learners to make high-quality decisions about their learning, they need to develop a strong sense of self. Who am I? What are my strengths? How do I learn best? As educators, we can support…
Use Discussion Protocols
Use Discussion Protocols NOTE: This strategy is part of the self-paced Amplify Learner Voice Course It’s common for whole class or small group discussions to turn into a handful of learners spending the majority of the time talking. There are a few ways that educators can ensure and promote equity of voice through discussion…
Station Rotation
Design Station Rotations NOTE: This strategy is part of the self-paced Use Assessment as a Tool for Learning Course Station rotation empowers learners to rotate through different stations or learning activities, each designed to meet their individual needs and learning styles. Ideally, stations include a variety of learning settings: independent (ideal for DOK levels…