Episode 32: Bridging Technology and Curriculum: Unlocking the Power of Aligned Learning throughout a District (with Dr. Lilia Náñez)
By loading this video, you agree to the privacy policy of Youtube.Always load Youtube videos on this site.Load VideoListen on SpotifyListen on Apple PodcastsWatch on YouTubeEpisode Summary: Dr. Lilia Náñez, Associate Superintendent of Ector County ISD in Odessa, Texas, shares her passion for equity and learner-centered leadership, drawing from her personal experience growing up…
Measuring What Matters: Our Journey with Logan County Schools
Contributions from Katie Martin, Learner-Centered Collaborative At Learner-Centered Collaborative, we believe that meaningful change in education begins with a clear vision and community engagement. Our partnership with Logan County Schools exemplifies this approach, as we’ve work together to redefine success for their students and empower the entire learning community. Serving over 3,400 students across…
Report Card Redesign in Encinitas Union School District
Is redesigning a report card a technical or adaptive change? To answer this, we can turn to the model of technical and adaptive challenges developed by Ronald A. Heifetz (Heifetz & Laurie, 1997; Heifetz & Linsky, 2002). This framework provides valuable insights into the nature of change in education and other fields (Network for…
Unraveling Mixed Messages: The Impact of Misaligned Systems in Education
Coherence across state, district, school, and classroom levels is critical for delivering clear and consistent messages to our learners. However, systemic misalignments often lead to mixed messages that can undermine our educational objectives and the experiences of our students. The Complexity of Educational Systems In simple terms, a system consists of two or more…
Why Mindset Matters in Cultivating Learner-Centered Change
Photo courtesy of Embark Education When we introduce new structures or practices in education, we often focus solely on implementing them correctly. However, this approach misses a crucial element: the mindset behind these changes. Our underlying intentions powerfully shape how others experience our designs. The way we think about school, learning, and learners (both…
Enabling Conditions & Culture Self-Study
The Enabling Conditions & Culture Self-Study tool is a comprehensive resource designed to help educational systems assess and improve their foundational elements for success. This self-paced assessment covers six crucial areas: Coherence, Communication, Aligned Systems, Growth & Development, Partnerships, and Culture. By reflecting on specific indicators within each area, you’ll gain valuable insights into…
A Spotlight on the UCSD + LCC Research Convening: Bright Spots and Networks
In July of 2023, the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) and the Learner-Centered Collaborative (LCC) announced a groundbreaking partnership to unite researchers, practitioners from LCC, and regional districts in advancing learner-centered practices. Among the key objectives of this partnership is to share knowledge and resources and disseminate findings to ensure broader impact of…
Webinar Recording: The Future of Assessment and Reporting: Examples of Competency-Based Approaches
Discover the power of competency-based reporting in our latest webinar, featuring insights from the upcoming Competency-Based Reporting Playbook. Our expert panel shared their experiences and strategies for successfully implementing competency-based reporting, covering topics such as rethinking high school transcripts, credits, and assessment practices focused on growth. Key takeaways: Practical insights into successful competency-based reporting…
Beyond Conventional Metrics: Telling a New Story Through Tiers of Data
School and district leaders are custodians of a future that demands diversity in our measures of success, mirroring our dedication to whole-learner outcomes and the unique visions that drive our schools and districts. Unfortunately, the school-centered system has narrowed the definition of success in such a way that innovative ideas struggle to get off…
Logan County Students Demonstrating the Profile of Success
Designing Assessments with Learners at the Center
Assessment often carries negative connotations for many educators, who associate it with grades, rankings, time pressures, effort, frustration, misrepresentation, and standardized tests. However, assessment doesn’t have to be a negative experience. When approached from a learner-centered perspective as a tool for learning and growth, assessment can be a powerful catalyst for student success. The…
3 Competency-Based Shifts
3 Key Shifts from Traditional Grading to Competency-Based Learning and Assessment
This is the second blog post in a series on Competency-Based Learning from Bryanna Hanson. Read the first post on what competency-based learning is and why it’s important here.  As a teacher, I quickly became frustrated by the limitations of the traditional grading system, one based on points, percentages and averages. This sparked my…
Educators completing an activity around district scorecards
A Spotlight on the UCSD + LCC Research Convening: New Measures of Success
In July of 2023, the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) and the Learner-Centered Collaborative (LCC) announced a groundbreaking strategic partnership that would unite researchers, practitioners from LCC, and regional districts in advancing learner-centered practices. Among the key objectives of this partnership is to share knowledge and resources and disseminate findings to ensure broader…
Indiana’s Bold Step: Empowering Students with Employability Skills
Co-authored by: Brittany Griffin, Director of Strategic Partnerships, Learner-Centered Collaborative Lauren Cole, Vice President of Strategy and Operations, America Succeeds Eric Lerum, Senior Advisor, America Succeeds In the summer of 2022, the Indiana Department of Education (INDoE) embarked on an ambitious journey with the launch of its Employability Skills Innovation and Implementation (ESII) Grant.…
Competency-Based Learning: Shifting from Grading Points to Assessing Learning
Photo by Allison Shelley/The Verbatim Agency for EDUimages I started as a first year teacher, armed with a student teaching experience and a master’s degree, fairly confident that I was well prepared. If you are or have ever been a teacher, you are laughing right now because as you know, I figured out pretty…
Webinar Recording: Beyond Standards: Innovations in Competency Based Assessment
Tired of standardized tests and letter grades that fall short of capturing deeper learning? Explore the possibilities of competency-based assessment with school leaders at Embark Education as they: Explain the core principles and benefits of competency-based assessment. Share real-world examples and applications of competency frameworks in action. Provide valuable insights and lessons learned from…
When to Leverage AI
AI is here. With its arrival also comes a renewed tension often felt around technology: striking the balance of efficiency and valuable human interaction. This tool guides education practitioners and leaders to evaluate which tasks can best harness the power of AI, which are best left to be done by humans, and everything in…
How You Can (Almost) Have It All With AI: Optimizing the Balance of AI and Human Interaction
Written in collaboration with Brittany Griffin, Director of Strategic Partnerships There’s ample buzz around AI’s potential in K-12 education. It ranges from excitement, to concerns around ethical dilemmas, to debates about the efficacy of learning in front of a screen, to fear that technology will replace educators. Some have called for an all-in adoption…
Feedback Protocol
Here’s the scene: You provided really thoughtful comments on a completed assignment and your feedback was never even read! Say goodbye to spending hours on “dead-end” feedback.  Reclaim the power of feedback with a flip in practice and timing that makes feedback an actionable part of the learning process that is aligned to learning…