Measuring What Matters: Our Journey with Logan County Schools
Contributions from Katie Martin, Learner-Centered Collaborative At Learner-Centered Collaborative, we believe that meaningful change in education begins with a clear vision and community engagement. Our partnership with Logan County Schools exemplifies this approach, as we’ve work together to redefine success for their students and empower the entire learning community. Serving over 3,400 students across…
Slow Down to Go Fast: 6 Pillars to Prioritizing Community and Relationships
As educators, we understand that a classroom is more than just a place for academic instruction; it’s a vibrant community where every learner should feel valued and connected. The first weeks of school are essential for establishing this classroom culture, helping to smooth the transition back to school for both students and teachers. Embracing…
Why Mindset Matters in Cultivating Learner-Centered Change
Photo courtesy of Embark Education When we introduce new structures or practices in education, we often focus solely on implementing them correctly. However, this approach misses a crucial element: the mindset behind these changes. Our underlying intentions powerfully shape how others experience our designs. The way we think about school, learning, and learners (both…
A quote graphic with Devin Vodicka's headshot. The graphic reads: "educational experiences are most meaningful when tailored to individual needs, interests, and aspirations within a real-world context where meaningful challenges and opportunities abound."
3 Key Elements for Cultivating a Learner-Centered Culture
In our pursuit of transforming education and centering learners by design, we must get the culture right. But, where do we begin? In our work with learning communities across the nation, the Learner-Centered Collaborative team has found three key elements that must be addressed, no matter the context, for a learner-centered culture to thrive:…