Reflecting on 2024: A Year of Partnership, Progress, and Possibility
As 2024 draws to a close, we find ourselves reflecting on a year defined by collaboration, growth, and meaningful impact. At Learner-Centered Collaborative, our vision is to create education ecosystems where all learners know who they are, thrive in community, and actively engage in the world as their best selves. Together with our growing…
Logan County Students Demonstrating the Profile of Success
Designing Assessments with Learners at the Center
Assessment often carries negative connotations for many educators, who associate it with grades, rankings, time pressures, effort, frustration, misrepresentation, and standardized tests. However, assessment doesn’t have to be a negative experience. When approached from a learner-centered perspective as a tool for learning and growth, assessment can be a powerful catalyst for student success. The…
How might we create learner-centered teacher credentials?
Teachers and aspiring teachers, in no uncertain terms, are telling us we need to reimagine how they are being prepared and supported to do their jobs well. A recent report by the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education delivers a concerning message: “Between 2008 and 2019, the number of students completing traditional teacher…
2022 Reflections and 2023 Inspiration
  This week our Learner-Centered Collaborative team paused to reflect on our goals, our impact, and our next steps individually and collectively. We believe deeply in the power of reflection, and as Margaret Wheatley reminds us, “Without reflection, we go blindly on our way, creating more unintended consequences, and failing to achieve anything useful.”…
365 Days of Learner-Centered Collaborative
365 Days of Learner-Centered Collaborative
In its first year Learner-Centered Collaborative is progressing towards its vision for education ecosystems that empower all learners to know who they are, thrive in community, and actively engage in the world as their best selves. CEO and CIO, Devin Vodicka and Katie Martin, reflect on milestones from the past year and look to…
LCC Gratitude 2021
Sharing Our Gratitude
Katie Martin and Devin Vodicka acknowledge what thoughtful, passionate educators have created, and as a result, how education has truly evolved. The work is hard and it is so critical to step back and acknowledge the bright spots and what is working.
What's Possible
What’s Possible in Learner-Centered Education
As the world continues to evolve and change in dynamic ways, there is an increasingly urgent call to create schools that meet the needs of learners in our world today to equip them with the academic and social skills that are critical for success in work, life, and citizenship.