Episode 41: Reimagining Learning Through Co-Design and Agency with Allie Wong

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Episode Summary:

Allie Wong, Director of Strategic Partnerships at Learner-Centered Collaborative, shares her journey from being a student in a project-based learning environment to becoming a teacher, school leader, and advocate for learner-centered education.

Allie reflects on how attending High Tech High transformed her confidence and identity as a learner, inspiring her to pursue a career in education. She discusses her experiences co-designing projects with students, fostering deep engagement, and empowering learners to take ownership of their education. Her journey led her to leadership roles where she championed teachers, protected their time, and cultivated a strong culture of collaboration and improvement science.

Key topics covered include:

  • 🦸 The impact of project-based learning on student confidence and agency
  • 🔄 Co-designing projects with students to enhance engagement and ownership
  • 🤝 Supporting teachers through collaborative planning and professional learning communities
  • 🧠 Implementing Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) to foster learner engagement in math
  • 🚀 Leading school transformation by prioritizing culture, teacher empowerment, and student voice
  • 🔍 Lessons for school leaders in navigating change without waiting for full buy-in

Related Resources:

  • Blog: From Kickflips to Critical Thinking: Designing Learning That Sticks
    Integrating learners’ personal interests and the activities they engage in outside of school is integral to helping students thrive in the classroom and in their communities.
  • Course: Bring Project-Based Learning to Your Classroom
    Explore ways to connect learners with the local and global community through learning experiences that happen both in and outside of the classroom. Create opportunities for real-world learning experiences with community members through mentorships, internships, and community-based projects
  • Strategy: Project-Based Learning Strategies
    Gain inspiration from authentic examples of this strategy shared by teachers who have used them with their learners.

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It’s Your Journey

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