Online Courses

Flexibly designed for personalized goal-setting and busy schedules

At Learner-Centered Collaborative we believe that learning is a process and not an event. We also believe that educators should experience the types of learning experiences that they are creating with their learners. This means professional learning for educators and leaders needs to be authentic, personalized, competency-based, inclusive and equitable.

Using these design principles, we’ve created a series of courses for educators and education leaders (K-12 classroom teachers, instructional coaches, principals, district leaders and more) that support the shift towards a learner-centered paradigm.

Courses are open! Explore and enroll below.

If you are interested in enrolling a group of 10 or more educators please let us know.

Group Enrollment

What to expect from our Courses

Our asynchronous online courses offer educators the opportunity to dive deep into learner-centered pedagogical practices and activities—on their own timeline, at their own pace.

Designed to connect new learning to current practices, each course consists of learning cycles that allow for practice within each module and are driven by self-assessment, reflection, and goal-setting. All courses culminate in protocols for synthesizing and reflecting on learning and for developing a portfolio of evidence of application.


Choose your topics and work at your own pace, returning to modules as you need


Access to an online learning community of other learner-centered educators

Authentic learning


Authentic performance tasks paired with quick “checks for understanding” to support you in practicing what you learn


About 10 hrs of learning + 5 additional hrs to complete the performance tasks


A variety of videos, readings, resources, activities and templates to support your learning

microcredential icon


Optional add-ons for Continuing Education Credits or Micro-Credentials

Course Offerings

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Courses for Classroom Educators & Instructional Coaches

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Courses for Leaders

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Book Study Courses

Courses for Classroom Educators and Instructional Coaches

Learner-Centered Introductory Courses

We offer courses that serve as introductions to learner-centered learning topics

Learner- Centered Foundations for Educators

Learner-Centered Foundations for Educators

An introduction to learner-centered education, this course explores the evolving role of the educator and the mindsets and beliefs they need to create a learner-centered environment. It explores what a learner-centered environment looks like and how to take your next step in implementing more authentic, personalized, competency-based and inclusive & equitable practices into learning experiences.

  • Understand what learner-centered education is 
  • Shift mindsets towards a learner-centered paradigm
  • Create the conditions for learner-centered learning

Project Based Learning

Project Based Learning

In this course participants will take on a learning challenge and reflect on their own learning experience. You will also dive into the elements that make a great project-based learning experience and distinguish them from traditional projects. Participants will be guided through the process to design a project-based learning experience with the goal of making learning more authentic but also personalized and competency-based.

  • Understand & experience a project-based learning experience
  • Explore the steps to designing a project-based learning experience
  • Design a project-based learning experience for your learners

Coming in Fall 2023


Design Thinking

Design Thinking

This course explores the process for liberatory design thinking by immersing the participant in a design thinking challenge to make their classroom a more inclusive & equitable learning environment based on feedback from learners. Participants will then be guided through the process to create a design thinking challenge for their learners with the goal of making learning more authentic with a real world problem to solve in an equitable and inclusive way.

  • Understand & experience the design thinking and liberatory design thinking process
  • Explore the steps to implementing design thinking
  • Create a design thinking learning experience for your learners

Coming Fall 2023


Learner-Centered AI

Learner-Centered AI

Whether you’ve been dabbling with ChatGPT and other AI tools or this is all new to you, this course will dive into how AI is changing the world, including education. It will give you actionable ideas and tools you can use to supercharge yourself as an educator (and save time) and empower your students in a learner-centered learning environment. The course will also introduce various challenges and concerns with AI, specifically in an education space, and provide you with resources and tools to grapple with them.

  • Understand what AI is and its implications for the future of learner-centered education
  • Find tools and resources to leverage AI as an educator
  • Ideate ways to support students to use AI in and out of the classroom
  • Grapple with ethical, safety, and logistical concerns with AI in education

Learner-Centered Learning Experience Courses

These Courses are organized into 4 Pathways: Authentic, Personalized, Competency-Based, and Inclusive & Equitable Learning. You may choose to take an individual course, a series of courses across Pathways, or complete all 3 courses within a Pathway.

Not sure where to start? Take the diagnostic to see which Learner-Centered Pathways would be best for you.

Personalized learning pathway

Customize the Learning Experience

Customize the Learning Experience

Learn about ways to make learning more personalized by providing voice and choice, designing curriculum and assessments with learners and leveraging technology to make the process more efficient.

  • Provide voice and choice
  • Leverage technology
  • Design with, not for

Amplify Learner Voice

Amplify Learner Voice

Dive into different ways to deeply listen to learners by asking them to engage in classroom and school decisions, solicit their feedback about their learning experience, and promote equity of voice.

  • Engage learners as decision makers
  • Solicit feedback from learners
  • Promote equity of voice

Develop Learner Agency

Develop Learner Agency

Explore how to build learner agency by supporting their metacognition, goal-setting and self-reflection routines, by focusing on the learning process over product, and emphasizing a growth mindset.

  • Empower learners
  • Encourage goal-setting and reflection
  • Highlight the process of thinking (metacognition)

Coming Fall 2023


Enroll in the 3-course Personalized Learning Pathway here.

Competency-based learning pathway

Plan with a Competency-Based Approach

Plan with a Competency-Based Approach

This course will support educators in designing meaningful and aligned assessments that truly measure the desired learning outcomes, co-define success criteria through a variety of styles of rubrics with learners and build in cycles of iteration from the start that plan for effective and meaningful feedback loops.

  • Define levels of proficiency (rubrics)
  • Design backwards
  • Emphasize the iterative process (feedback)

Use Assessment as a Tool for Learning

Use Assessment as a Tool for Learning

Rethink the purpose of assessment in this course to be a tool for learning and learn how to leverage a variety of formative assessment methods including quantitative and qualitative data to modify a student’s path, pace or product and co-design personalized paths with learners.

  • Assess formatively
  • Modify path, pace or product

Design Performance-Based Assessments

Design Performance-Based Assessments

Learn how to design quality performance-based assessments that showcase student learning authentically and support learners to tell their learning story through portfolios, exhibitions of learning, student-led conferences, defenses of learning and other strategies.

  • Assess skills and content
  • Support learners tell their learning story (portfolios)
  • Enable authentic demonstrations of learning

Coming Fall 2023


Enroll in the 3-course Competency-Based Learning Pathway here.

Authentic learning pathway

Design Real-World Learning Experiences

Design Real-World Learning Experiences

Review examples of interdisciplinary, real-world learning experiences and explore strategies such as project-based learning, design thinking, place-based learning, inquiry-based learning, passion projects, and more so you can co-design more real-world learning experiences with learners.

  • Tackle real-world problems
  • Co-design interdisciplinary projects
  • Embed reflection
  • Let learners lead

Spark Collaboration

Spark Collaboration

Learn how to support effective and equitable collaboration where all learners are engaged in the desired learning outcomes by building collaboration and peer feedback skills with learners, designing meaningful collaborative learning experiences and supporting students to navigate group dynamics.

  • Develop collaboration skills
  • Design for equitable collaboration
  • Promote peer feedback
  • Navigate group dynamics

Promote Anytime/Anywhere Learning

Promote Anytime/Anywhere Learning

Explore ways to bring the real world into the classroom and make learning that happens outside of the classroom relevant. This course explores flexible learning environments, valuing external learning opportunities, bringing experts into the classroom, bringing students outside into the world and partnering with the community through internships, mentoring opportunities and design thinking challenges.

  • Value external learning experiences
  • Create flexible learning environments
  • Connect with the community
  • Collaborate with the community

Coming Fall 2023


Enroll in the 3-course  Authentic Learning Pathway here.

Equitable & Inclusive learning pathway

Nurture a Meaningful and Engaging Learning Community

Nurture a Meaningful and Engaging Learning Community

Explore strategies to get to know your learners, embed social-emotional learning (SEL) into your learning experiences, and build community with learners leading to deeper and more meaningful learning experiences.

  • Build relationships
  • Plan and design for equitable SEL
  • Address systemic inequalities

Cultivate a Sense of Belonging

Cultivate a Sense of Belonging

This course dives into creating a sense of belonging for all learners where their cultures, identities and experiences are honored and the classroom represents and welcomes a variety of perspectives. This course will also support educators to audit their curriculum and practices to be more culturally responsive.

  • Honor learner cultures & leverage culturally responsive teaching practices
  • Build community with learners
  • Curate inclusive curriculum intentionally

Coming Fall 2023


Enroll in the 3-course Equitable & Inclusive Learning Pathway here.

Partner with Learners to Reach their Full Potential

Partner with Learners to Reach their Full Potential

Explore ways to ensure all learners can access learning experiences equitably and are supported in their next steps in life by exploring different college and career options while building their social capital through a support network of mentors and community members. This course will support educators of students of all ages to prepare for their future equitably.

  • Design for equitable access (UDL)
  • Prepare learners for their next step in life (college & career readiness and pathways)
  • Create a support network (social capital)

Coming Fall 2023


Enroll in the 3-course Equitable & Inclusive Learning Pathway here.

Courses for Leaders

These Courses are designed for any educator looking to lead a learner-centered learning environment.

Learner-Centered Leadership for Meaningful Change

Learner-Centered Leadership for Meaningful Change

Anchored in learner-centered practices, participants will create their leadership profile to support building a strengths-based culture in their unique context. Upon better understanding their leadership strengths and style, a human-centered design process will support leaders to identify a problem, create a proposed solution, and leverage the enabling conditions needed to enact meaningful learner-centered change.

  • Clearly share who you are as a leader
  • Define ways to lead with a strengths-based approach
  • Understand how to build relational trust with your team
  • Define and solve a problem of practice using a learner-centered approach

Coming Fall 2023


Enroll in the 3-course Learner-Centered Leadership Pathway here.

Establishing the Enabling Conditions for Learner-Centered Transformation

Establishing the Enabling Conditions for Learner-Centered Transformation

This course is an introduction to Learner-Centered Collaborative’s 10 enabling conditions needed for learner-centered transformation. Each module provides an overview of an enabling condition with examples from schools and districts who are leveraging this condition to enact change, resources for digging in more and activities to think about bringing these enabling conditions to life in each participant’s unique context.

  • Understand the power of coherence, culture and connectedness as enabling conditions for learner-centered transformation
  • Create action plans to improve coherence, culture and connectedness in my context

Foundations of Learner-Centered Learning Experiences for Leaders

Foundations of Learner-Centered Learning Experiences for Leaders

An overview of personalized, authentic, competency-based and inclusive & equitable learning for leaders. This course is designed for leaders whose educators will be taking courses on the four learner-centered learning experiences and want insight into what their educators will be learning. Leaders will have a better understanding of what these practices look like so they can find bright spots and explore how to implement them into school routines and procedures for both educators and students

  • Understand how to nurture a meaningful learning community among staff and students
  • Learn how to spot learner-centered practices in action
  • Be able to provide feedback to educators to help them shift their practice
  • Design learner-centered learning experiences

Coming Fall 2o23


Enroll in the 3-course Learner-Centered Leadership Pathway here.

Book Study Courses

These Courses include videos from the authors walking you through their book with reflection opportunities and activities to apply your learning. These are a great place to start your learner-centered journey.

Learner-Centered Leadership Book Study

Learner-Centered Leadership Book Study

Read Learner-Centered Leadership: A Blueprint for Transformational Change in Learning Communities and participate in reflection, discussion and activities guided through video from the author, Dr. Devin Vodicka, to reimagine school. The book draws from theories of the mind, change management and organizational transformation as well as the author’s own experience leading a school district through change.

Coming Fall 2023



Evolving Education Book Study

Evolving Education Book Study

Read Evolving Education: Shifting to a Learner-Centered Paradigm and participate in reflection, discussion and activities guided through video from the author, Dr. Katie Martin, to prioritize what matters most: relationships, connection, purpose, flexibility, agency and authentic learning. This book articulates how to redefine success, design meaningful learning experiences and create the enabling conditions to make it all happen.

Self-Paced Courses

Flexibly designed for personalized goal-setting and busy schedules.

These asynchronous online courses offer educators the opportunity to dive deep into learner-centered pedagogical practices and activities—on their own timeline, at their own pace.

Designed to connect new learning to current practices, each course consists of learning cycles that allow for practice within each module and are driven by self-assessment, reflection, and goal-setting. All courses culminate in protocols for synthesizing and reflecting on learning and for developing a portfolio of evidence of application.

Interested in enrolling a group of 10 or more educators? Please let us know by clicking below.

Group Enrollment Form

What Participants Are Saying

This was one of the most productive asynchronous courses I’ve taken. It was a good mix of learning, examples, and taking action to help my class this week (or next). I want to review it again through the lens of adult learning to help me better shape professional learning for teachers at my school. 

– Alden Thorpe, Gifted & Talented Specialist, Computer Science Specialist

The examples and resources are clear and implementable! 

– Alysia Haveman, Instructional Coach

Great course that will provide you with helpful resources, engaging reflective questions, and strategies that you can implement right away! You will be able to self-pace and lead your learning in the areas you feel you need to grow!  

– Amanda Waldo, Director of Teaching and Learning

Super flexible with awesome, useful resources and applications.  

– Jenny Schon, Director of Academics

For those struggling to identify effective group dynamics and establishing accountability in those groups, regardless of the learning methodology being utilized, this course will enhance your tool belt and improve your confidence in eliciting meaningful and authentic learning from all students.  

– Parker Collins, Teacher and Administrator

Excellent course that cuts right to the heart of facilitating collaborative learning. Laser-focused with a ton of resources.  

– Ben Curtiss, Teacher

Jumpstart Your Learning

Check out our collection of learner-centered resources and tools to start evolving your practices today.

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